The Plateful Dead 12

Almost every trip to a local store will bring us into contact with vehicles bearing vanity plates. While most drivers are pondering over what the combination of seven letters and/or numbers mean, my thoughts are far away as I ruminate about the famous folks no longer with us. Surely in some aery realm the status-conscious who reached earthly heights must be navigating from cloud to cloud or sphere to sphere bearing a badge of identification fore and aft. Look up instead of down and see the plates coming into view right now…

Charlie Daniels: IN AMER

Ed Gardner: ARCHIE

Tommy Kirk: MERJNES

Stephen Sondheim: COM2NTE

Hans Conreid: UNTNOOSE

Jay Black: CARAMIA

Neil Simon: ODDCOUP

Cloris Leachman: PHYLLIS

Michael Nesmith: DIFDRUM

Cicely Tyson: MISJANE

Dick Wilson: NOSQUEZ


Henry Aaron: HMRHANK

Peter Palmer: LILABNR

Joan Didion: LETMETL

B.J. Thomas: RANDRPS  

Tommy Lasorda: DODGBLU

Charley Pride: KISANGL

Jane Powell: 7 BRIDES

Mort Sahl: THEFURY

Johnny Mercer: TOOMARV

Arlene Golonka: MILLIES

Mac Davis: IBELMUS

Art Metrano: LTMAUSR

Bob Bailey: JDOLLAR

Reg Presley: LVALRND

Jack Burns: HUH?GUY

Hal Holbrook: TWA2NTE


Larry McMurtry: PASSBY

Phil Spector: WALSOND

Markie Post: CHRSSUL

Olivia de Havilland: MELANIE

Chuck Close: BIG PIX

Jane Withers: JOPLUMB

Phyllis George: NVSANEV

Betty Lou Gerson: CRUDAVL

Tom Seaver: TOMTRIF

Carlton E. Morse: 1MANFAM

Ron Popeil: BUTWAIT  

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