The Proverbial Mot Juste

      One of the main articles in the July/August Traditional Home is written by the magazine’s Senior Architecture and Design Editor, Sally Finder Weepie, a great name for an author who describes how a San Francisco designer decorates her home with a “tasteful mix of vintage treasures and youthful verve.” Sally’s name is also a great mix of a well-known proverb. It is to be presumed that both the San Francisco designer and Sally are keepers and not weepers.

Perhaps it is time for other editors to examine not just the experience of those applying for staff positions but also look ahead to see how dazzling the name below the title would appear in their periodicals. Namely,

Manny Spoilbroth      Cook’s Illustrated

Romy Roadleader      Travel + Leisure

Aly Endwell               Shape

Squeaky Wheeler       Bicycling

Cappy Wearfit           GQ

Dr. Kay Appleday      Prevention

Bette Safesorry           Consumer Reports

Lookie Leaper            Sports Illustrated

Jack Tradeall              This Old House

Stormy Calmafter       Mother Earth News

Angel Rushin              Coin Prices

I.B. Holder                  Glamour

Hope Springie             Backpacker

Swifty Notrace            Car and Driver

Missy Milegood          Runner’s World

Abby Hartfonder        Cosmopolitan

Goldy Glitterall          American Digger



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